Do you feel like you have some spare time? Do you have some skills that you have been not able to utilize? Do you have the vigor to do something new as a side gig apart from your main profession? If answer to any of these questions is yes, then what you need is a part time job.
It doesn't matter if you are a student or a professional worker, retired or a housewife - part-time jobs are for everyone who wants to earn without committing full time. Part time gigs have been a part of the economy for many decades.In this post we will discuss the many part times jobs that are up for grab around you.
But before we delve into it, the question comes why do you need them? Well money of course is one of the direct benefits. But that’s not all. Part time jobs help in developing time management skills, they can open gateways to advanced and new and of course working on something entirely different also refreshes your mind reviving your energy levels.
So what part time jobs are available up for grab?
Working as Virtual Assistants
There has been a growing demand for remote workers where you work as a virtual assistant for an organization. All you need to start as virtual assistant, is a laptop, headset, perfect communication skill and specific time allocation. As a virtual assistant, you provide assistance to your clientsspecific areas of their work where they cannot provide their time.
Virtual assistants work scope can include data entry, research, editing, bookkeeping, making phone calls, handling queries, event planning, blog management, web page designing, social media management, programming, among others. Having one or more of these skill sets is all you need to enter the virtual assistant work force. While there are many who work full time as virtual assistant, it is open for part time gigs as well.
Some of the good places to hunt for part time gigs as virtual assistants are, Ziptask,, Assistant Match, Virtual Staff Finder, among others.
Social Media Assistant
In today’s world, social media has become an integral part of marketing for various organizations. Companies have been using various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to reach out to prospective and existing customers. It has contributed to increasing their brand awareness and is one of the less means to reach customers directly.
As such many companies hire in-house and remote social media assistants to manage their social media accounts. Hiring a full-time social media expert in an organization can be expensive for smaller business. So, most of these businesses look out for remote social media assistants who can work on their social accounts on part time basis.
So, if you are active on social media, know it’s in and outs and the way various social media channels work – this can be a great part time gig for you. But hey, you need to be sensible in handling the company's social media account. Apart from knowing the social media marketing strategies, you also need to have in-depth knowledge about the company's policy, products, and offered services.
You can look for part time opportunities in social media in platforms like Greelancer, Guru, Upwork, FlexJobs, CareerBuilder, etc. And, if you think you need some trainings you can have them online on Udemy, Hootsuite, and of course on YouTube. If you ‘internet-smart’ – you won’t have to pay a dime for social media training!
Renting Extra Space
Do you have extra space in your flat? If not, skip to the next point. But if you have read on. Proper utilization of those spaces can earn little extra cash and of course a guest to entertain and chat with. Renting out extra space in your flat is one of the trending ways to earn extra cash around the globe.
To rent out those space, you have to repurpose them for someone else to live in. Ensure that it has access to all the amenities like bed, kitchen, sitting room, rest rooms and bathrooms. Once you have set this up with a little early investment, you can put it up for rent on websites like Airbnb, Home Away or FlipKey.
Apart from such global sites, you can put up the space for rent on your local rent directories and rent them out to lone professionals or students. Just be careful with the documentation and ensure that you have all the documents of the tenant before renting out. Security of your family members should be a priority and as such you should screen the tenant carefully.
Youmust have spent a lot on your education to date. Apart from the academic knowledge, we also acquire knowledge about additional fields that are directly or indirectly connected to us. But the question here is have you been utilizing this knowledge with others? Or do you love sharing your knowledge with others? If you love than we have another very part time gig for you.
Tutoring someone in the field of your knowledge is by far one of the oldest part time jobs across the world. Private tutors can earn really good when compared to babysitters, or other jobs with enough respect too. This is especially good for students with the required academic qualification and in a related field.
But the question is where do you find part time jobs? There are two places – offline and online. To find tutoring opportunities around you – the easiest way is to print up ads and post them around your locality with your offerings and phone number.
If you are good with online tutoring – than websites like Chegg Tutors, TakeLessons, StudySoup or Skillshareare some good places to start with.
Being barista could be a great gig for college students. There are a large number of cafes around the colleges and universities which are always on the lookout for some barista to serve coffee to their customers. So, if you have some barista training (if you don’t, you should get enrolled into one), you could start working part time basis. This is a classic and trendy part-time job which does not require huge effort.
Bartender is also a cool space to work around. You will get to enjoy all live music and a lively social scene during the work itself. Payment is mostly appreciable, and the job might be available pretty soon, as the rate of turnover is high in these sectors.
Just that, you need to be prepared to work during off-hours even during late night, and yes a proper training can always be an additional point for you!
Ridesharing are becoming integral part of people’s commute across the world. By signing up your vehicle for ride shares, you can not only earn bucks but also fully utilize your investment in the vehicle and utilize your spare time. Be it motorcycle or cars –you can sign up for sharing rides with many online ride sharing apps.
This part time gig allows you the freedom to be available whenever you want. You can pick up any ride near you when there is a notification on your app and if you are not in the mood to ride at the moment – all you have to do is just go offline on the app and not respond to any invitations. That’s all.
You can look out for rideshare apps popular in your locality simply googling something like rideshare apps in New York – go through the results and pick ones that are better for you!
Even if it is adding a second job, a weekend job, a part-time position or space to manage your pocket money; part-time jobs are impressive means to stabilize your financial position and keep going even in your spare time. Don't kill your time –utilize it!
Published by : Admin
On 01 January 2020